Thursday 19 February 2015

secret 7 - underworld

I liked the process of creating a landscape in my rolling stones cover, so thought I could do a similar thing for the underworld cover. 
One of my initial ideas was to have a group of figures walking aimlessly across a sparse landscape, possibly with some sort of cactus shapes dotted around

I quite like that sort of composition, but maybe with some street lamps instead of cactuses - as if the urban and desert landscape were intertwining.

I do like this a lot more than my previous design, although it still needs quite a bit of work. The lamps look like they're just hovering so need some shadows to ground them, also maybe some highlights for the lamps to give them a bit more detail. 

I did a few shadow tests but I think the top one works best

 Although they might be a bit thick compared to the thin line work of the lamps, but I quite like the slightly messy quality so I'll try and re-create that - possibly drawing on photoshop?

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