Friday 13 February 2015

more designs (propercorn)

I've started making some new designs based on different flavours of the popcorn. The one I have just done was:
fiery worcester and sun dried tomato

the one I will do now is sweet coconut and vanilla
I want to ficus on the flavours which have visually nice ingredients - like lots of fruit and vegetables which will encourage the idea of the popcorn being a bit healthier and a better option than other snacks. 
I'm a bit dubious about these cut outs, as the pepper and tomato were very colourful and easily recognisable, but coconut and vanilla are a bit less common and not as visually pleasant so I might have to change a few things on this poster.  

I used the same layout as the first poster, but something about the pile of brown shapes doesn't look very appealing, or very much like coconut and vanilla. So I thought about other features of the ingredients, like their flower. I made a vanilla flower out of cut outs.

This is a lot more attractive, and fits with the quite tropical aesthetic on the popcorn packets

I'm still unsure of whether to have flowers at the bottom, as it starts to take attention from the rest of the image. I also added some green leaves for the coconut plant. 

I felt the coconuts didn't look very realistic, so added some little hairs to make them a bit more detailed

I'm pleased with how this is looking, but now that I have added plants at the bottom I think I need to do the same on my other design to make it consistent

I think it adds depth to the design, and encourages the 'natural' flavour aspect of the brand. 

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