Tuesday 17 February 2015

visual journal

One of the reasons I picked Lord of the Flies was because I wanted to draw scenes of nature and play around with different patterns and textures. I didn't know where to start so I set up a Pinterest board to get some inspiration

I really liked this woodcut pattern

It is such a simple pattern for the plants but the way it is composed with the tall trees at the back, and a large space between them and the two figures in the corner gives the impression of a large forest.
So I started drawing simple plants and figures to get me started

I liked the cut out fire effect, so I made a few pages in my sketchbook of collection of leaves, beach pebbles and shells - which are all motifs in the book. 

I'm not sure yet what I'm doing with these shapes but I've really enjoyed just playing around with the colours and textures, and I feel it will be useful to have a database of shapes I can use later in the project when making final imagery. 

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