Wednesday 28 January 2015

secret 7 - rolling stones

I wanted to make something dreamlike for this song, create a landscape which could be quite alien with spacey colours. I did a piece last year for PPP which inspired this slightly
- piece

I loved the combination of multicoloured mountains, bright stars and mixed up proportions and wanted to create something similar, but maybe in a desert setting with big desert rocks like in the Grand Canyon. 

I found an image of some desert rocks I liked and tried out some different colours multiplied on top of it from a paintbrush stroke I did - so that there would be some texture.

I wasn't sure which would work best with the setting so started to put together the scene to see how everything works. I found a good image of stars from a book, and used the same trees I used in my PPP illustration from last year but in a different perspective. 

I used the original colour of the rocks but it looked way too bright for the composition, it takes away too much attention from everything else. I'm also a bit stuck of what to put in the space between the trees and rocks. Also the rocks look too much like they are just floating there, theres no depth to the image, so I will have to work on it some more with some more tests. 

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