Sunday 18 January 2015

presenting prints

I had meant for my prints to be a series of art prints, so I felt they needed to be presented as if they had been bought - they needed a container of some kind so to put them into context.

Initially I had wanted to make a sleeve to hold them, so made a quick design out of one of my mono prints repeated on photoshop

I liked the design but I felt the pattern distracted and contrasted too much with the prints, also the thin white paper didn't look good against the watercolour paper. 

I thought it would be better if they were held in something quite plain that covered them all and protected them, so I started making a slip sleeve for them

I spent ages trying to make it but the card I was using wasn't strong enough, as the prints are quite big the method I was using just didn't work.

But I had already bought the book binding material so I thought I should make something out of it, so thought maybe just a folder bag that the prints can slip into

I chose the red to go with the colour scheme of the prints, I want to add a button and some string to wrap around it to give it some more detail and to hold the folder together.

But after adding th button and string I felt it was all a bit over the top, and the red was a bit too red, it took focus away from the prints. I thought I should use something subtler. 

I got some black card, they only sold A1 size so I had to add some extra flaps on the side because my prints were too big

I feel like this is a cleaner, more professional and a more relevant presentation for my prints compared to my initial ideas. If I had more time I would have printed the sleeve on nicer, thicker paper or maybe even tried screen-printing or mono-printing it on so it matched the prints inside. 

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