Sunday 18 January 2015

printed pictures

For the final prints, I bought some watercolour paper to print onto because I felt the paper I had been using was a bit thin for final prints. The paper took the ink really well and made them look much more professional. 
I am pleased with my final prints, I think the colour scheme I have been working with looks good and relates well to the feel of '1984', with the hints of red symbolising the theme of revolution. I feel that some of the prints are stronger than others - the buildings and poster prints came out best I think. But I think they do all work well together as a set even if some compositions are better than others. 

I had fun with mono-printing; it is such an experimental printing method, that it is hard, almost impossible to determine how the prints will turn out as they are different every time, so trying to expect final prints became very difficult. I'm pleased with the ones that I got, some of them are a bit messy around the edge or slightly out of place but the prints themselves came out how I wanted which I think is the most important part. 

Prints once I had trimmed them all the the same size, they look much cleaner and more professional I think, and any grubby marks are much less noticeable:

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