Monday 12 January 2015

problems encountered with print

Before the christmas holidays I was having trouble trying to print with a block background, but when I started doing it again, every single one came out with a block background. I'm not sure what changed but I think it might be because I started wiping the board down with tissue after I washed the ink off and I think it just got rid of any excess soap. 
I was still encountering some problems though:

- when using the bigger board I kept getting white curved lines across the print even when making sure the board was clear of any soap or oil. I didn't mind that texture when it was quite faint but on some prints it was too defined
- when getting a pretty much perfect print, there would sometimes be annoying little ink marks on the wrong bits that looked too distracting from the rest of the print
- I had to cut out some more stencils because the ones I had used before had too much leftover ink on them that the interfered with the print by making the figures too dark, or sometimes the red ink wasn't strong enough
- there were some good mistakes, like with the houses that had some leftover ink on them, they gave some more texture to the print and varying shades which looks good
some prints would again come out perfect but just be slightly out of place on the paper so there would be a light boarder round some of the print, although I quite liked how that looked

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