Monday 12 January 2015

developing animation

I had initially planned to have a section in the animation that shows the Spanish Civil War, and showing a bit of animal farm at the end but I felt I had to cut some out because I was running out f time, and actually producing the animation was proving to be longer and more difficult than I had previously thought. 
I had already made the background for the miner section so didn't want to cut that, also the civil war section wouldn't necessarily be recognisable to Orwell. Also, I had already done the drawn animation for the building leading into the eye for 1984, so I knew how I wanted it to look and I am focusing on 1984 in my printed pictures so it would link in nicely with that. So I cut the animal farm part out, also because the eye at the end of the 1984 section seems like a natural stopping point. 

This is a screenshot sequence of the animation

I am happy with how it has all turned out, I think I have got the aesthetic of it right, it has quite an eerie, ominous atmosphere, the colour scheme and texture work really well together. 
I had a few problems with the timing of all the different parts, like getting the rolling backgrounds to move at the right speed to match all the other parts. And then adding in other elements on top of the background got quite complicated - especially with the figures.

I initially tried moving all the miners seperately but it got too complicated, so I wanted to find a way to move them in sync with each other. 
I was told a way, where you could duplicate the layer so it has the same key frames but you just delay the start time a bit.

But because I have been having to make the figure move in a backwards position in order to go atthe speed of the rolling background, it messed that up a bit

Instead of moving behind it, it moves next to it and so doesn't reach the right spot in the background.

So I had to go back to moving them all individually, which wasn't actually that difficult, now that I understand after effects a lot more compared to when I tried it first. And I just made it so the figures fade by the time they reach the factories so it looks like they disappear in. 

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