Sunday 18 January 2015

project proposals

OUIL504 Illustration 1: Process & Production

I intend to produce…
A 50 second sting to promote a documentary about George Orwell’s life and works. I want the animation to give a brief insight into what the documentary will be looking at. I plan for the animation to be made mostly out of a rolling background that leads the sequence into different elements of Orwell’s life or books. I want to depict Industrial Yorkshire (because of the time he spent there to research for a book), the Spanish Civil War (as he spent time fighting in it), elements of his books 1984 and Animal Farm.
I chose to do the longer sting rather than the 3 short stings because I felt it was more suited to my subject, because Orwell’s life feeds so much into his novels it made more sense to connect them all in one sequence rather that coming up with 3 completely different ideas.

The content will focus on…
1.     The industrial landscape with miners on the way to the factories and mines (smoke, workers, factories)
2.     Soldiers in the Spanish Civil War (trenches, guns, war planes)
3.     1984 and Animal Farm landscape (workers, intimidating buildings, eyes, windmills, animals, whips, guns)

I will be aiming to communicate…
1.     Themes of oppression, war, hardship
2.     Gritty, bleak, dystopian landscape
3.     Prominent elements and themes of Orwell’s’ life and novels

To an audience of…
1.     Fans of Orwell’s books, who are interested to know more about Orwell’s life and how it fed into his work
2.     Those interested in a documentary involving political, historical and social underlying themes
3.     Those interested in dystopian fiction

(I mostly kept to this proposal, in terms of how I wanted it to look and the themes I wanted to communicate, but I had to cut the parts about the Spanish Civil War and Animal Farm as it became to complicated and long for a 50 second sting)

OUIL504 Illustration 1: Process & Production

I intend to produce….
A set of 6 art prints made using mono printing, which will be depicting the intangible themes in 1984. They will be in a variety of layouts (size of print) but will have the same colour scheme and style so to be a consistent set. They will also contain similar reoccurring motifs that are recognisable to the book. I want the prints to be simple yet bold, and to be focused more on the atmosphere created rather than depicting actual scenes from the book.

The content will focus on…
1.     Key motifs from the book (figures, lonely figures, barbed wire, rats, tall imposing buildings, eyes, cameras, poorly built houses, bombs)
2.     Using format and composition to create atmosphere
3.     The intangible themes running throughout the book

I will be aiming to communicate…
1.     The idea of people with no identity or individuality, who are oppressed by those in power
2.     The symbolic motif of one figure singled out as rebellious against the mass crowd of figures following the rules
3.     Themes of oppression, dystopia, rebellion, loneliness
4.     Prints that are recognisable to 1984

To an audience of…
1.     Fans of George Orwell’s books, particularly 1984
2.     Those interested in prints that are textually strong

3.     Those interested in prints that relate to literature

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