Sunday 1 December 2013

research - Find a Seat

SEAT 2 - church
I went to Leeds Minster Church

20 Questions
- how old is this church?
- how long did it take to build?
- what are those 3 men up to?
- is it immoral to take a bible?
- why is it awkward to come and take photos on a friday?
- who paints the windows?
- how many people does it take to build this?
- do peoples prayers ever get answered?
- why do churches get more busy over christmas?
- do people saying prayers know all the words?
- what does '349. Ps 117' mean? will it change?
- since when did churches have cafes?
- how many people can fit in this church?
- does every cushion have a different quote on it?
- why would someone want to grafitti a church?
- do priests ever get bored of their job?
- how many spare robes do they have?
- why are all the people who work here old?
- why do they have a small prayer room as well as the big one?
- where is the rest of mary's body?

20 Obervations
- it's empty
- it's quite cold in church
- I feel calm
- the smell reminds me of my grannies 
- people who work here are allowed to answer their phones inside
- I feel awkward checking my phone even when no one will know
- I like the smell of old bibles
- the woman who work here are moody
- there isn't a knee cushion for every seat
- churches make you feel very small
- the bench cushions do nothing to protect your bum after an hour of sitting
- the way the alter as been lit makes the cross seem even bigger
- it's very quiet when i'm sitting here alone
- the main seats have plaques showing who sits there
- I can smell bacon

20 Facts
- it used to cost £2.50 to take photos inside
- there are 5 knee cushions for this bench
- 13 rows of back benches
- 25 little lamps, 2 of which have gone out
- there are 5 'St-Peter-At-Leeds' wooden chairs
- the organ was restored in 1949 in memorial of H.Bacon Smith who was choir treasurer for 30 years
- the minster costs £27 every hour to run
-  21 stained glass windows
- 13 plaques on the side wall
- church was re-built in 1840
- coat of arms is oldest piece; from 1600s
- church is re-build from ancient church dating back to medival times
- the pillars aren't made of stone, but wood covered in plaster as they aren't supporting anything
- at time of churches reconstruction it was England's largest new church built since St Pauls
- a cup of tea and a kitkat costs £1.30 in the cafe


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