Sunday 1 December 2013

research - Find a Seat

SEAT 3 - art gallery
went to Leeds Art Gallery, but apparently I was't allowed to take photos that had any artwork or people in them, and I went at 10 in the morning so it wasn't very busy so the photos are rather limited with content...

20 Questions
- why does that man keep glaring at me?
- do the staff get sick of that same song being played over and over?
- why do they need so many plugsockets?
- what is that sculpture meant to be? it looks like a pile of cardboard boxes
- where does that big blue door lead
- why would you put paintings so low down on the wall?
- what has that woman in the cafe been diagnosed with?
- why does that man talking on the phone look so shocked? what has he heard?
- who's homer?
- do the curators get bored of seeing the same pieces over and over?

20 Observations
- I think those two curators are following me
- I like George Shaw's work
- yep, they are definitely checking up on me
- the song being played over and over is actually quite calming
- the blue room is very grand
- each room has a different theme
- I feel very uninspired sitting in this gallery
- the women curators all look very similar
- the wallpaper reminds me of old curtains
- all the men here are wearing variations of navy
- the three men have kept the same pose every time I see them around the gallery
- it is quite busy for 10 in the morning
- some of the frames are so big they outshine the pieces themselves
- the sculptures look out of place in the blue room
- the cafe is very jazzy
- everywhere I have been is so uptight about privacy
- there are more people in the cafe than in the gallery
- I'm the only one sitting here alone
- I apparently look like someone called Amy from behind

20 Facts
- there are 17 paintings in room 15
- this bench has 3 sections
- there are 9 plugsockets in room 15, 1 is being used
- 28 'X's on the blue room ceiling
- a pot of tea costs £1.80 in the cafe
- there are 21 customers in the cafe
- the chabad lubavitch + leeds jewish community wish you a happy chunukah
- 4 skinny trees in front of the window I'm sitting at
- there are 6 bird houses on the trees
- 16 marble pillars in the cafe
- 4 people on the phone have passed the window outside in 10 mins
- 3 groups of people have met at the steps of the gallery but not gone in

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