Monday 2 December 2013

Study Task 2 - 'What's the Story?'

In order to develop this project, I need to focus in on certain points from my research which I will be able to carry on further. 
The feedback I recieved from my peer feedback review said that these were interesting points:
- art snobbery, how it's ironic that you can't take photos for an art project in an art gallery
- fishermen community, look at other types of communities
- patterns in the gallery
- lost toy, a story can develop from that or how things change
- our need to preserve; churches, art
- objects out of place in certain areas e.g mary's arms, outside the church they wouldn't make any sense but within the church I instantly knew they were for the nativity 

These are the areas I would like to look into further:
- look at their daily routine, their personal method of angling. So the book would be more of a manual of how to fish, it will be informative; 'how to fish'
- record their stories; 'what's the biggest fish you have caught?' 
- to do this I would need to go back to the fishermen I met earlier, and maybe even find more around Leeds

- an in-depth exploration of patterns, working with collage, so it is more of a collection of patterns rather than a story. Maybe look at Nigel Peake's work
- 'how do patterns repeat themselves in certain places?' look at how certain styles are matched with certain places, e.g churches always have very grand designs
- 'how do patterns change the atmosphere of a place?' 
- I would be more specific, so for example, only look at ceilings, or floors or walls, and then only inside or only outside

- I found the church to feel intimidating, would be interesting to look at 'what makes a place feel intimidating?' and then explore how I can convey that through my illustrations
- could look at different types of intimidation, in the church it wasn't scary; it was more the grandness of the architecture mixed with how empty it was, which made me feel rather small in comparison. But some places might feel intimidating because they acctually create fear in the viewer.
- or I could do an exploration of different atmospheres, although this might be too vague

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