Sunday 1 December 2013

research analysis - Find a Seat


what I found interesting:
- going and talking to the fishermen, hearing about their days
- learning about the architecture of the church
- how concerned everyone is with privacy, in places it seems unnecessary
- peoples fascination with feeding birds
- the time travelling man on his bike
- the intimidating atmosphere in the church

what pieces suprised me:
- being demanded to make a donation in the church for taking photos
-  not being able to take photos for an art project, in an art gallery, seems slightly ironic
- how I much I liked sitting in church, found it very calming
- how uninspired I felt in the art gallery, felt very sterile 

what seemed obvious or cliched:
- prices of tea in the church and gallery
- the atmosphere in each seat
- the sounds I heard in each place

how I reacted to my research:
- found the fishermen funny, watching how they put all the bait together was interesting as well
- all the priests were funny and willing to help with my project, the women in the cafe not so much
- found it funny how the gallery curators kept coming to check up on me

what I would like to see more of:
- want to go back to the fishermen, maybe find some others and ask about any stories they have
- find more patterns, do similar studies to Nigel Peake perhaps
- find out about different communities, fishermen, church etc. 

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