Tuesday 10 December 2013


We were given a few days to go back out to find out more about our chosen subject. I went to the market to the fish mongers, a tackle shop and a pet stall; I wanted to find the fishermen again but unfortunately they weren't there on the day I went. 

Really like the composition of the fish monger standing outside the stall - could do project focusing just on the routines of fish mongers.

Took a lot of close ups of the fish scales, think they could be fun to try and depict

These reminded me of sweets in a sweet shop, so shiny and tempting to touch

The pet stall wasn't very helpful, but I liked the composition of all the goldfish swimming in one corner of a massive tank


I felt the equipment in the tackle shop wasn't much use to my project, but I found a collection of photographs of fishermen holding massive fish they had caught which I really liked. The anglers are all dirty and wet but they all have such loud, happy expressions on their faces which I think would be interesting to depict if I was to look into stories of fishermen. 

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