Friday 29 November 2013

research - Find a Seat

SEAT 1 - the canal
I found a spot on the canal by a red pattered bridge.

I followed this man's walk along the canal, could possibly be a good starting point for something

I met some fishermen...

This is Arthur, best angler in all of Leeds
they come and fish everyday, from 9 untill it gets dark. Think it would be interesting to go back and find out more about their fishing stories.

20 Questions
- when was the red, patterned bridge made?
- how long is this canal?
- who's that man walking acorss the bridge, talking to?
- how long have those fishermen been there?
- why is that part of the canal blocked off?
- what is that screaming noise and why is it going on for so long?
- why is that man across the canal limping?
- how long have that old couple been together?
- how come no one walks on this side of the canal?
- do the people in the flats opposite talk to each other?
- what's it like to live on a canal boat? do you get sea sick?
- why does that sea-gull not want to touch the water?
- do the people on the top floor of the flats get a good view of leeds?
- whats at the top of that tower?
- where does this canal lead?
- where does that ladder lead?
- how deep is the canal?
- wheres that boat going?
- how many people have fallen into this canal?

20 Observations
- the clouds look like a quilt
- it smells like a harbour
- the sea-gulls follow each other in circles, not going anywhere
- an old man on a bike in a bright blue jacket rode down and went back up, 10 mins later a man rides down on the same bike in the same jacket but 20 yrs younger...timetravel?
- everything is made of red bricks
- a lot of people wearing bright blue when exercising
- theres a third man talking to the fishermen
- the trees on the other side have no leaves, on this side they have lots
- these wooden posts aren't comfy to sit on
- an old man dropped his keys
- sea-gulls love bread crumbs
- everyone seems to walk on the oppsite side of the canal to me
- people find joy in feeding sea gulls
- there are ducks as well as gulls
- people walk faster on this side
- at 2:24pm the sky got a pink tint
- trees on the other side have no leaves

20 Facts
- there are 33 wooden posts along the canal
- 1:55pm; 12 sea gulls are on the water
- one longboat in this section
- 14 leafless trees opposite me
- 52 gulls appeared when bread was brought out
- there are 8 ducks across the canal
- 2:22pm oppsite side got significantly busier
- boat that passed was called 'JADE II', what happened to 'JADE I'?
- 2 people dropped their keys
- there have been 2 people in, and 3 people out of the flats opposite
- 13 double decker buses and 10 smaller buses have crossed the bridge above
- 22 people in pairs, 54 singles, 4 triplets and 1 four have walked along the canal on the opposite side 


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