Monday 18 November 2013


Throughout this module I feel I have developed some valuable key skills, for example, simplifying ideas to a more basic and clearer form, which is important when attempting to clearly convey a message. I found I was best at this in brief 3 where I was given an article which had a wide range of points and I was able to pick out the keys ideas and break them apart to their simplest form to which I then illustrated. I also feel I have improved on my development of my ideas to fuller formed concepts, by filtering in research which helped push ideas further, for example I found that some of Kaye Blegvad’s work greatly manipulated the direction of the style in which I carried out studio brief 4, as I felt her use of ink fitted well with the smoky effect I wanted to create in my work.

What I found very enjoyable about the briefs is that they were all very different in nature, which meant I was able to experiment a lot with different materials and approaches to my work. I feel I was the most experimental in brief 3 where I worked with collage and patterns, as we were only allowed two colours, I wanted to create some layering in the image to draw attention to the main content. I found that in my development I was taking more consideration into what  materials I used, rather than just going with something that aesthetically looked nice, I thought about whether it would help communicate my message any better. For example, in brief 4; I wanted to use ink to convey the idea of smoke but then found that the quality of ‘quink’ create a much more smoky texture in the way it gained a yellow tint when mixed with water. 

I feel that I the way in which I have been quite open minded with my approaches, and haven’t confined myself to my comfort zone, has been a strength in this module. This is supported by what I was told through peer review feedback, where I was told that it is clear that I haven’t just stuck to one ‘style’ for each brief, yet there is a certain approach that links all the briefs together as it is evident from looking at the work that it was me who did them. I was also told that I have a consistent quality to all my final outcomes for each brief.

My initial idea generation, I feel, has been a weakness in this module. I have found it difficult to quickly come up with and sketch multiple ideas as I often spend too long on the sketches but I also I get quite stuck when pressed to quickly brainstorm ideas. Although comparing brief 1 to the later briefs, I feel I have slightly improved in that area and this will continue if I routinely motivate myself to quickly generate ideas, as it is an essential skill. I don’t think my digital work has been very good, and definitely want to improve in that area as I feel it will greatly advantage my work. I don’t want to be doing full pieces digitally, as I much prefer the traditional, analogue style of working, but I do understand that editing bits of my already drawn pieces can really improve them.

In the future I feel I need to manage my time better, maybe make a timetable for myself for when I don’t have timetabled sessions as I have found I am leaving some work till the last minute. I also want to be more committed to staying on after the timetabled sessions have ended as I do work better when in the studio and I don’t feel I have been pushing myself as much as I could be.

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