Thursday 14 November 2013

studio brief 4 - finals


I am pleased with my outcomes for this project. I think I came up with a good concept for the quote I chose, looking at bad habits and the effect they have on people. But I feel I only briefly touched upon it, I think I could have gone much deeper had I had more time, as these are only initial ideas really. I enjoyed using 'quink' for the pieces, feel it definitely helped communicate my ideas, also making the content quite simple so that the message is conveyed clearer. 

This one didn't turn out as good as I had hoped, I felt some of my experiments looked slightly better - for example, with the face that has turned into a cloud of smoke, I don't feel it is as smoky as it could be. It would have been better if I had made it looser, less oval shaped, with wisps of smoke coming off it. But I like how I only look at faces, can concentrate on their expressions, it isn't too busy - all that is needed to be seen in the face and the hands with a cigarette. It makes it quite a humorous piece I feel, and I think would have worked even better if it was bigger with many more faces, so I could have created a whole community of faces, that were perhaps communicating with each other across the page, making it quite a narrative piece. 

I like how this one turned out, it has quite a sinister feel to it, as if the blood from the figure is draining into the TV. Again I tried to make it as simple as possible to not make it too busy, before I didn't have the line of the wall in the background but after adding it I think it was needed to make the image more grounded, more relatable as a living room. 

I was worried about carrying out this piece, because I had only been experimenting on a small scale, and the brief asked for a scale that fits into A3 which is quite a lot bigger than what I had been working with so I didn't think it would translate very well. But I think it has turned out alright, this is my favourite of the trio because I feel it communicates its message the clearest. It also has quite a humorous tone of voice because of the naively drawn faces and the exaggerated expression when the figure eats. Feel the simplicity of the piece adds a bit of charm to it.  

With all three pieces I feel they could have been presented better if I had used nicer paper, as the one I used has warped slightly after the use of water and ink. If I had more time I think I would have worked small scale and then scanned into photoshop and printed out bigger. I don't feel I put as much work into the development of this project as I should have, I think my ideas could have been developed much further and that this is just the start. But I think I chose an effective media to work in, although I could have done a lot more experimenting with materials, also I think the three images work well as a set and clearly communicate my concept. 

Recieved a lot of positive feedback for my final pieces:
- I used a suitable medium that fitted the concept, and the way in which i used the quink; not drawing an outline, using a rather textured approach with the ink and keeping the composition and content relatively simple, really helped create the rather sinister but also satirical atmosphere. 
- The concept I went with fitted well with my quote, that I have started on quite an interesting subject that can be developed further.
Was given some constructive criticism:
- The two images that just look at faces convey my concept very well, but the one with the TV is less clear - which I agree with, as in the other two you can see the figures turning into what they are repeatedly doing but with the TV one he is just conncected which isn't the same idea. Also, it would be more fluent if the TV image had the same style by just focusing on the face of the figure.
- Would be more effective if the figures eating the burgers were painted in a lighter wash of ink, I again agree as the features on the faces are not very clear.
- Use more varied colours, but I don't think that is needed in my pieces, because I want to create quite a sinister and sombre tone of voice which I feel works well with the dark, smokey ink washes. And by having the objects in the image in colour it means more attention is drawn to them.

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