Wednesday 6 November 2013

studio brief 3 - finals

Pleased with how this piece has turned out, I think the colours and pattern all work really well together. Though not much is happening in the piece, I think that the fact that the message is not immediately clear invites a bit of mystery. Also I think the quite naively drawn, slightly out of proportion, objects adds a bit of charm. The use of the table with the typical kitchen tablecloth makes it quite relatable - it is a scene many will be familiar with. 

I decided to use pattern in all three pieces, it helps brake up with image a bit - creates layers so that the content doesn't disappear into one tone of yellow. We were only meant to use two colours plus stock, but I found it quite difficult matching the pattern colour to the figures and the background. I planned to scan all the pieces into photoshop and edit it so they are the same but I ran out of time. I like the style in which I drew the figures, it is quite abstract with rather loose lines which I feel adds a bit of character - and the long faces gives them a rather sombre tone of voice, as if nothing interesting is going on in this scene, they are too engrossed in their smartphones. 

Feel that this is the image that works the least, think the background patter is far too busy that it takes focus away from the figure and the logo on his forehead. But I do like the composition, and the materials and colours work well to create quite a peaceful scene, I think it has a calm, dreamy tone of voice and the pattern does help in this sense to make it rather dreamlike but maybe also the idea of brainwashing, that technology is constantly seeping into us, even when we are sleeping we can never escape it. 


Peer Feedback:
- lots of varied research into my concept, I understand the article well
- images all link in well together due to the similar style
- could have used the word association sheet more to come up with some more unusual ideas
- good exploration of media and technique
- have clearly thought about how to show the visual elements from the article; either the electronic devices alone or more the conspiracy behind them - the addition 
- nice subtly in communicating my ideas, the visually small elements work well with the concept
- could have experimented with more textures and patterns
- would have been useful to my development if I produced more examples of each and thought more about how my composition can affect the concepts; show more of my visual thinking
- my development is clear; I haven't just stuck with my initial ideas, I have pushed them into fuller formed ideas
- but should have used this process for more ideas, would have given me more of an educated decision about which illustrations to pursue

Self Evaluation

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