Thursday 14 November 2013

studio brief 2 (photoshop)

Still having trouble getting the hang of photoshop, had a practise with this one where I tried out the basics like creating an extra background to the image, and how to make the lines less pixilated.

Trying out use of different textures, also painting on top of image and then getting rid of original lines - makes image much cleaner cut, bolder. Used pencil tool, rather than just filling in areas with a ready made texture, the lines drawn by me gives it a more analogue style. 

Been making the textures and colours I have been using relate to the tone of voice and content of the image. So with this I have used a background of cassette tapes, as it is meant to be a 'K' in the shape of a speaker. Also using bright colours, and spray paint style wash in the background makes image loud. Played around with the 'multiply' tool so to layer colour over the textures I have used which I think works well. 

Looking at layering, using pencil tool over existing lines. Image doesn't work , colours are too bright and do not go with background colours, was just an experiment. 

Thinking more about what I was trying to communicate with this image - the creativity of the person, their frantic, eccentric attitude to their work. Used texture of crumpled paper for background and scribbled texture for the discarded bits of paper - making it more relevant to content. Also think the darker tone of red works better on the figure, more subtle and then means the 'K' stands out more, as that's the focus of the image. 

Wanted to create quite homey feel to this piece, to have a warm tone of voice. Used tartan background, reminds of grandparents, christmas, comfort. Using similar tones to make it calm and not too loud and bold. Played around with pencil tool again, using it to actually draw onto dogs, build up tone. 

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