Thursday 14 November 2013

studio brief 4 development

Don't want to have my project just focus on smoking, think it will be more rounded if it looks at a variation of bad habits. Reminded of previous project where I looked at a technology addiction, could look at TV habits - routine of TV shows that cannot be missed and so constantly being glued to the screen, so much so that it is like one becomes part of the TV, fuelling its produce. 

Like figure as more of a silhouette, less personality and character, just another thing plugged into this addictive machine. 

Pleased with this idea, but had trouble getting angle of TV right - even though it is being done in quite a naive style, the perspective and angles should still be right. Also I had difficulty deciding on a format for the image, as it cannot be the usual 'A' format. But I thought it would convey my point more effectively to have the figure quite close to the TV - as if he is being drawn closer and closer in, until he is swallowed up whole. Is a rather sinister tone of voice, which I think is conveyed by my colour scheme. Also the use of red in the cable connotes idea of blood - supports concept of figure fuelling TV. 

Wanted to go back to initial idea for third image - person becoming the food they are eating. Have liked working with quink, has been effective in communicating my ideas. Think it will work for this one too, having simple composition, all that is needed to be shown in the blending of the person and the burger. 

Food image looks better if the burger is in a separate colour - is clearer what it is. Also having quink used alongside a slight bit of colour, creates a link between all three illustrations. As I have the blood red cables, the coloured burger and the red lipstick on the smokers. I feel it helps add character to the piece, makes it slightly humorous when communicating these common bad habits. 

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