Friday 22 November 2013

shape and texture

Shape and Texture

Played with collage - ripping bits of paper and painting on top. Creates raised texture, gives the land a rough outline. Also blotted dots of paint for tone rather than blending in, feel it makes the land look patterned.

Working with 'quink', not using any outline, just having a shape. Means when I do incorporate a little detail, it is more noticed rather than if the whole figure is convoluted with lots of texture and detail. Drawing on the right is my favourite from the series, I worked from a reference but from little changes in the face I feel this monkey now has a much sadder expression, and combined with the dark ink it creates quite a sombre tone of voice.

 Love the shape of this monkey's face, was fun working with its bulbous shaped nose. Also started using 'Brusho' powder inks which I hadn't used before but really enjoyed them. Because its in a powder form, it leaves a sort of bleached, raised texture on the colour which I think works really well for the fur of the monkey. Haven't been working much with colour but have liked how these have turned out so will use more in the future.

Started working on an A3 scale, much prefer it - allows me to do bigger studies, I find I can be looser with my line work. Used a big, bristly brush for these, creates good fur texture. 

Been doing a lot of studies that are just floating around on the page, tried doing more of a finsihed piece - including some background detail. This is just a rough sketch but I like the style of having the main subject matter in colour and the rest in monochrome, so to bring attention to the main section.

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