Wednesday 6 November 2013

studio brief 3 development

Liked idea of having the evolution of man style image for my landscape piece, think that would work well with the format. Looks at idea that in our current generation people are having smartphones younger and younger, in a sense they become a part of us. 

But also like this composition for landscape piece, having the elongated sofa exaggerates the idea that this addiction to our smartphones is pushing people further and further away from each other. Think it will communicate this idea better if the sofa was skinnier, that way it will appear longer. Quite like use of colour pencils, allows for tonal shading while still being within the limitation of only two colours.

I initially planned to look at how our habit with smartphones and how that links in well with parts of religion. But it also relates a lot to addiction, how some people cannot leave the house without their phones and are in a way addicted to the routine of checking their facebook, emails etc.

I didn't want to make it too obvious, so to make it more subtle I'm only working with the most common of addictions - smoking and alcohol, which I think will make it more relatable. I really like the first test, the colours work nicely together, and though the majority of it is the same colour, the objects still stand out. But I also like the more analogue style of the objects in the second one where I used watercolour, gives it more character. The composition works because it feels like quite a familiar scene, like you are looking over your own kitchen table, think the use of the table cloth helps with this. I tried positioning the pattern so it looks like the edge of a table which adds perspective and draws the eyes in. 

Had trouble working out the placement of the colours for this one - background is too heavy, but still want the figure to stand out. Would be better if it is closer to the face - so the 'slide to wake up' logo is clearer. 

Same problem with this piece, colours don't work well together - too bright. Want to stick to just primary colours, so it becomes more a sequence. Like the use of pattern in earlier piece, will experiment to see if I can use a similar idea with the other two pieces - will create a nice link between the three images. 

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