Tuesday 29 October 2013

line, mark, pattern

7 week project to explore our chosen subject
I began by drawing creatures on the islands that I found from references

Had Lucinda Rogers' work in mind when I did this - focusing on line, how darker, thicker lines in certain places add more depth to the crab, make it heavier and more substantial.

Enjoy doing these loose drawings, one in charcoal works because it is quite simple but the attention to detail on the head adds texture

Able to be very playful with this project, looking at tone and line. By shading the background and leaving the lizard fairly plain it brings it forward making it much more bold. This also happens with the contrast of the pencil shading and the pen shading. The loose style adds character to the lizard I think, and though I am drawing from reference, by drawing the same lizard multiple times I feel I have started to produce my own take on this lizard, taking it away completely from the original photograph. 

Tried doing a more detailed study, focusing on the pattern in the birds feathers, and contrasting it with the large, bulbous white space of the birds throat pouch. But after doing a series of very loose, experimental studies I feel that this doesn't have the same charm as the others, although I like how the detail has come out and it was a good exploration of the patterns I feel its rather dull and hasn't got very much to it. 

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