Tuesday 29 October 2013

studio brief 2 (photoshop)

To introduce us to using photoshop we were given the brief to use our 5 A5 ideas from studio brief 1, and develop and edit them in photoshop. We have been introduced to using levels, adding textures and colour to enhance certain areas or completely change them to create an entirely different type image.

I'm not particularly experienced with photoshop, and only used it slightly during my foundation so what we were told in our photoshop workshops was relatively new to me. This was my first attempt at editing this drawing, it was very experimental, just playing around with different textures and colours. I don't think what I have used for this one works particularly well, the colours don't compliment each other; it all clashes, but I was just using this as an opportunity to test out different styles. 

I experimented on the same image again, and I am more pleased with this result. I used darker, more shadowy colours and textures that work well together, which I think make it rather intriguing and I think relate more to the concept of a frantic, messy artist at work which I was trying to convey through this piece. I also using different textures to create a difference between the floor and the wall - making it more of a rounded piece. I am still finding it difficult to understand layer masks and levels though.

Although we are meant to be working with the five ideas we had for studio brief 1, I wanted to have a go at editing one of my drawings from the visual language brief, because I think this image will work well with colour. I didn't try out any textures with this one, I just wanted to try out the different brushes, using multiply and overlay, and seeing how the colours can blend and work together. Though this was just a quick practice, I quite like how it has turned out; I particularly like the arm of the lizard, the blues have been blended nicely to create shadow effectively. 

Just before the session ended, I tried out using layer masks on the actual pen work using textures. I initially just wanted the fire to be behind the pen work, as a background but only for sections, but I couldn't work it out and ended up with this instead. Though I will ask how to do that, I quite like how this has turned out, it is a texture that works well with this subject matter. 

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