Tuesday 29 October 2013

studio brief 3

We were given an article that we had to respond to and create 3 illustrations; one at 200mmx200mm, one at 105mmx200mm and one at 290mmx105mm. My article was 'Ditch the Smartphone to optimise your bandwidth'
What stood out to me in the article was the idea that by using smartphones it means that part of our mind is always thinking back to emails we need to send or check, possible notifications we could have recieved or maybe just a humourous photo we want to share. Smartphones are so addictive because of all the information they can provide and the apparent order they can add to our lives with their calenders and other organisational applications; that we become so reliant on them for organising our lives or even providing decent conversation. I think the article is suggesting that this obsession makes us more boring as people, the constant access to social networking sites actually makes us less social, and the continous organising of our lives makes us focus less on what we actually need to do, therefore making us less productive. I agree with this article, it is an interesting look on how reliant we are on smartphones, how we actually feel lost without them; I want to try and convey this idea in the article in my pieces, the addictiveness of the smartphone and the consequences to those hooked on using them.
We did an exercise in groups, to help gather words to do with our article from other people's perspective, which helped gain a wider understanding of the article and other possible concepts I could involve in my pieces. I came up with three words that I felt summed up the article: reliant, connected, overload. Also we found images from the internet that linked in well with the articles so to aid with thinking of initial ideas:

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