Tuesday 29 October 2013

drawing from reference

We were given the task of finding four photographs, and then drawing from them using different tools and materials.
Portrait of a face

Full figure image of someone doing something

Something engineered, man-made or structural

 Something natural or organic

 Here are some of my drawings that I think worked well

 I really enjoyed making this one, pattern is something that intrigues me, I find it exciting trying to create different textures using varying shapes and marks. This piece took longer than others because I got really into exploring all the detail on the lizard but I think the fine liner mixed with the slight washes of ink adds that bit of depth which was needed to make it a more fully formed piece. 

I liked playing around with ink in these pieces, though it is the same image repeated, by slight differences in the way I use the ink they become completely different pieces and not just copies from a reference. In the first image I think the looseness of the ink makes the image more focused on the movement of the diver, the limbs are slightly elongated to give the idea of motion. Whereas in the second piece the focus is more on the diver itself, the shape of the figure is emphasized by the dark background.

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