Tuesday 29 October 2013

studio brief 3 concept critique

We went away and came up with as many ideas as we could for the three pieces the brief required. Halfway through the time we were given for this brief we had a concept critique, where we got into groups and recieved feedback on our ideas. It was an effective system where two people thoroughly looked through someones work and gave written feedback, then we had group discussions on everyones work and so recieved a lot of constuctive criticism to work with.

I recieved some really useful feedback, my group gave me a lot of constructive ideas to help develop concepts I already have to fully formed pieces, as well as more research to look into. My group felt that these were some of my strongest ideas:

The image of the couple with wires coming out of their head is looking at the idea that we are constantly connected to our smartphones, how we are always checking and always partly have our mind on them in some way or another - as if we are literally plugged in. In the one above this I was trying to look at how continous use of our smartphones makes us have less and less interesting converstaion in reality, which I tried to show with an elipsis above the couples head as if the conversation has run out, but I don't think it is as effective as the one below it. I do like the figures I have drawn for it though, it was only a quick sketch but I think the body language and the long features give quite a morbid tone of voice, giving a sense of a rather cold and boring situation that these two people are in due to their smartphones.
The one my group liked on this page is the four symbols, three of them are religious but the fourth is an iphone. I was trying to show how people have routines with their smartphones which they follow religiously, and often find themselves lost without them which are common traits in religion. I think this is quite a simple but effective image, because it is instantly clear what it is relating to, without being too convuluted.
This is my self evaluation of the ideas I have come up with so far, and my action plan for the time remaining until the brief is due in:

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