Sunday 6 October 2013

summer 10

Over the summer we were given a project in which we had to do a series of 10 drawings that responded to 10 different questions about our summer. We also had to keep a sketchbook to document all our test drawings and experimentation while carrying out the task. It was a really useful project to have, as having not done much drawing since finishing my foundation I had been quite out of practice. These were the starting points we were set to draw:
Something that tasted good - I drew some pistachio nuts, I ate a lot of them when I was trying to carry out this project.
Something you heard - I drew this once I had moved into my new halls, and outside my window all I can see is trees, and whenever the wind blows I can hear it so loud in my room.
Something you wore - I went travelling around Thailand, and bought a new bag which I wore constantly while away.
Somewhere you found yourself - there is a bridge going over railway tracks in my local park back in london, and it is my favourite view, I find it so calming to just stand and watch all the trains, and I love the structure of train tracks - the way they shoot off into the distance.
Something thsat made you happy - my two younger brothers have been away for the whole summer, so I have been missing them a lot but my dad sent my a photo of one of them laughing which cheered me up.
Something you'd rather not have done - when I was in Thailand, I thought it would be a goo idea to hire out a moped having not riden one before, and ended up driving into a ditch and so not being able to walk for a few days.
Something beautiful - I have always been intrigued my industrial structures, I find them so striking. And in my local area there is a lot of building work going on so a lot of cranes which I love to draw.
Something scary - again when I was in Thailand, we went to a tiger sanctuary where the tigers are all trained so we were able to actually touch them, which was of course terrifying.
We were meant to do 10 drawings but I only managed to do 8, because I ran out of time and I also had trouble thinking of an idea for 'something you have discovered' and 'something you have been thinking about'.

In my sketchbook I used a variety of different mediums like pen, ink, watercolour, charcoal. I felt it enabled to really explore how best to depict each concept. A few of my final drawings are actually sections of bigger drawings in the sketchbook - like the mopeds, pistachos and train tracks where I also played around with repeated patterns and layering which I really enjoyed. I decided on just using black ink and fineliner pens for my final images, because I feel they work best together and it is what I am most confident using. I got positive feedback from the crit, saying that my use of wash and line was effective, as was the difference in bold and fine, detailed lines. Also that alhough it is a limited medium, the drawings are all very diverse.

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