Sunday 20 October 2013

studio brief 1

We were given the task of filling out a questionnaire about ourselves which drew out answers which hopefully gave an idea of our personality. From that we were paired up and interviewed our partner about their answers to build up an idea of their personality which we would then have to translate into an image which contained their initials. To help with this we came up with 10 words that we felt related to our partner which would be easier to create images from. But to get to our final image, a process of quick sketching and brainstorming is needed in order to come up with a well formed idea.
So we got a sheet of A2 and folded it so 64 squares are created and were given an hour to come up with 64 different ideas that communicate an idea of our partner's personality:

My first attempt at this task wasn't very successful as I found it difficult to quickly come up with a varying succession of ideas, and I would spend too long on my sketches when they are only meant to be an outline of a concept. So I didn't mamage to fill out the whole page and I wasn't pleased with the ideas that I did come up with.
The words I came up with to describe my partner were spontaneous, creative, tattoos, individual, bearded, whiskey, animals, dogs, erratic, ambitious. I did the task again but this time I included his initials 'K', 'W' into my drawings:

This went a lot better, I was coming up with ideas a lot quicker, my drawing style was loose and experimental, I also found the concepts themselves were less obvious that my first two sheets. Having the structure of the 64 boxes per sheet helped initally as a target that I was motivated to reach, but as the drawings went on they became less contained in the boxes and I was more focused on developing certain ideas rather than the quantity of my ideas.
Once we finished the two sheets we picked out our 5 favourite ideas that we felt best communicated what the brief requires:

This sketch relates to my partner because he has two italian greyhounds, as well as other dogs and has a number of animal orientated tattoos, I wanted the image to not revolve completely around the letter - so the bones in the shape of a 'W' makes it relate more with the dog aspect of the image.

I wanted to communicate the concept of my partner being creative in this sketch, the way the figure has many arms all working away on this letter is meant to communicate quite a frantic, fast moving mind and creative impulses.

This is also trying to communicate this idea of creativity, with the lightbulb being a typical symbol of a bright, smart idea, by having the lightbulb exploding it is like there is an excess of creative, ingenius ideas - an explosion of creativity.

With this one I wanted to get across the idea of my partners ambitious, determined nature as well as the creaive aspect, with this figure surrounded by scrunched up pages of work it suggests he is constantly trying to improve, to make each piece perfect.

My partner is very interested in music, especially listening to it loud so by having a speaker fited into the letter I feel it communicated this interest.
After choosing these 5 images we got into groups and had a discussion about each of our pieces so that we can get relevant and critical feedback so that we can develop our ideas. After presenting and explaining each of my ideas, my group decided that even though my image with the 'K' as a speaker conveys the meaning the clearest, it is too neat and not as interesting; it was the image with the figure working with multiple arms that was favourited. This was because it has a certain charm to it with the quite naive line work, but this method also conveys the idea of working frantically; being spontaneous. My group suggested that I use watered down ink and splatter it on the page so to give an idea of creativity, with paint flying everywhere. They thought the materials I had used for this sketch work well already, and to keep using ink or a similar material and to continue using a mixture of thick and thin lines as it creates an effective contrast.
Having this informal critique half way through the project was helpful as it enabled us to properly reflect on everything we have done so far and see if we are going in the right direction. We also found that we have all come across similar issues with our work, such as; managing to make our pieces subtle, so we are not just working around letters but rather creating images that incorporate letters. Also keeping it simple, because it is easy to make the piece too convoluted and busy. 

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