Sunday 6 October 2013

the most stupid brief ever

Only a few days into our first week of the illustartion course we were goven our first brief - 'the most stupid brief ever'. Which consisted of creating an image for a garment that would make someone smile, so it could be funny, or charming possibly. We had a day to start brainstorming ideas, I found it quite difficult to come up with a range of different concepts, especially as the brief is so broad it was hard to know what to focus in on. But I eveuntually settled on the idea of having the majority of the vest taken up with the bottom half of an animal, my original design was a duck but I found a penguin to be more effective. I think it worked because of the simplicity of the design, as it only has a few colours and not much detail so it becomes rather bold and it also meant the design translated quite well onto the vest. Although I did find it difficult to paint onto the vest as I have not done t-shirt design before, but I was pleased with the outcome.

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