Friday 8 May 2015


I had a tutorial with Fred, I was quite stuck with how to push my inside illustrations as they kept turning out not quite right. He suggested I go back to playing around with materials and stop trying to force a process which is where I have been going wrong. As the bits in my sketchbook I think are the most successful are the sketches I did without really thinking. He suggested stripping the compositions right back as the ones I've been doing keep getting too convoluted, maybe just have a figure with a plant here or there; the illustrations would be next to a whole page of text so it is refreshing in a book to come across an image which has a lot of white space. He thought maybe doing double page spreads of illustrations possibly with a small quote staggered across the page. I found the tutorial really useful, it's a bit ricky to go back to playing around with materials this close to hand in but I think it's necessary as soon as I have worked out a process and aesthetic I will be able to get on with all the other products I plan to make. 

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