Friday 8 May 2015

new compositions

I cut out a load of figures and plants to play around with compositions, my first try:

I like the boldness of the cut outs next to the loose ink painting, but there is no line of sight to this image, it all seems very messy and empty. 

This works a bit better as there is some more composition to it but I'm not sure about the double spread aspect, I think it will look more concise and cleaner on a single page - that is also the format I've been working to for this project so I'm more used to it. 

This happened by accident on the page but I really like it, I want to try and include this abstractness and playfulness to the compositions - this lead me to think of this layout:

I think this is much more interesting, it makes it seem like the pig's head is in control over the figure, it also has a good line of sight leading upwards. 

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