Monday 11 May 2015

mock ups

The context for this project is a new edition of the book being released for it's 60th anniversary so it is appropriate to make promotional posters for the book that can be hung in shop windows, bus stops etc. 

I like the re-use of the front cover design, I think it works well on a landscape poster, but it didn't look that professional or promotional and the background was too dark. My second attempt:

The colours work a lot better and the use of the publishers logo makes it more appropriate. Also having the title of the book in big makes it much clearer as to what the poster is promoting. 

I don't think this worked well, it is a very boring composition and the bright white background makes it look unfinished. 

This is a much better layout, it creates a line of sight going up the page. Also the muted background compliments the deep red of the pig's head, making it bolder. 

I mocked up some pictures of the posters in shop windows:

I think the posters work well, they look like they could feasibly exist in these areas. I also mocked up an example of a vinyl sticker that would be made for a shop window:

I think the clear, bold shapes that I have used for the imagery in this project would work well for this type of promotion as it is not too detailed. 

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