Friday 8 May 2015

front cover

I've started on the front cover:

I'm using the same composition from a sketch I did ages ago, but I think it works well and is a good excuse to develop it, and use lots of colour and plant textures.

I chose the publisher to be faber&faber, as that is the publisher of my copy of 'Lord of the Flies'.

I had to play about with different fonts for the title - I wanted it to be handwritten but my handwriting isn't that great so I had some trouble:

I quite like the red paint, but it might be a bit too messy, so I downloaded some fonts:

I think these work better but need to work better with the composition:

I think this works well, the 'lord' should be bigger, but other than that I'm happy with it

This is my final front cover so far:

I've also done a version with a beige/textured background, but I'm not sure about it:

I think it does need some sort of background other than bright white but this might be a bit dark. I could try just scanning in a textured paper, or printing onto off-white stock might work too. 

I think the cover works well when mocked up - it looks a lot more real in context.

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