Friday 8 May 2015


I didn't really know how to start with the map, as everything else I had worked from has been from quotes with little bits of scenery, but fitting in a whole island is a lot more difficult. So I used the same process and cut out lots of shapes to start planning out a composition and this is where I got to:

It ended up being very detailed and busy but I quite like it like that, the inside illustrations have a lot of white space and bold elements, this shows the jungle element of the island. It might be a bit too convoluted in parts as the figures and pig's head don't stand out enough.  
I was unsure whether to add a background, so I tried photoshopping a sky and sea:

But I think it makes it even busier because of the multiple brush strokes, I tried taking out the sky:

This is better but I think the sea takes too much attention away from the map. I think the beach definitely needs more definition as a beach. If I am to add the rest of it, it needs to be a light watercolour wash rather than these dark lines. I'm considering making a pattern to go on the back of the map, but O don't really know what to put on it. 

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