Tuesday 12 May 2015

final products

Here are my final products that will be submitted:

I'm really happy with how they all turned out, I wasn't too sure if I would get it done in time because of the long process of making the illustrations but it all came together well. I think the aesthetic is very relevant to the story, with a lot of focus on the setting, but it also has the right tone of voice, the front cover could possibly have more of a sinister edge - maybe with a darker background? But I think I got the tone of voice right within the inner illustrations, their cave-man style aesthetic has a darker edge to them, I think the starkness of the monochrome helps with this. If I had more time I would make more illustrations and bookmarks like I intended,  also possibly enlarge a few of the illustrations to be stand alone prints, but I think I would make more products to come with the book because I really enjoyed making the map, so maybe I could include some puzzles/quizzes or a set of badges that make the product more interactive for the younger audience. 

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