Tuesday 1 March 2016

winter veg salad

Yotam Ottolenghi's Winter Vegetable Recipes - roast baby carrots with harissa and pomegranate 

I wanted to do another quick food illustration - I really enjoyed the last one I did as it was fun to do and so quick! I decided to do a recipe this time from the Guardian food section as I think that is an easy way to show off food illustration. I went for this salad as it has a wide range of ingredients with good colours. I saw that Ottolenghi has a regular space with the Guardian website with his recipes so I might carry this on with a few of his to make it consistent. 

I think the composition works really well with this recipe - it makes a collection of boring ingredients fun and exciting - and the greens and yellows highlight the healthy aspect. I mocked it up onto the website where I found the recipe:

It works well with the structure of the website - there is a photo of the salad above the recipe but I think this would be a nice addition - making the page more appealing. I think it will look good in my portfolio to have a range of applications for food illustration - editorial, recipe and maybe try out mocking up illustrations on packaging? 

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