Tuesday 8 March 2016

a clockwork orange

I started on the three inside illustrations for a clockwork orange. I went through the book again to find particular scenes/quotes to work from. I want to make the illustrations quite simple and graphic - similar aesthetic to the front cover. 

The first scene I chose was when Alex lured the two young girls back to his house and raped them - it is a horrible scene but I thought I could do something interesting with it. I want the images to have a quite creepy aesthetic. 
In the chapter just before this one, Alex is asked why he is so bad when he has a good family and brain - and whether it is a devil that crawls up inside of him. So I thought showing Alex leading the girls with an under layer showing the devil inside him, playing a pipe to hint at the pied piper reference. I want to do something different for these illustrations - not just my usual process. I thought this could be a chance to try a different print method, so I tried making some linos:

These are the first load of prints:
I initially thought it would be a good idea to have each bit cut out individually so I could just place all the bits but it ended up being very impractical. It became impossible to get the same print, and placing each bit in the right place was really hard, I didn't get any prints which I thought were perfect. Also how I imagined the devil image laid over the Alex character didn't turn out very well, the figures didn't match up properly and looked messy. 

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