Monday 14 March 2016

initial ideas for pack

The fun, educational and interactive pack which can be bought by schools or parents teaching KS1 and KS2 children about pre-historic time periods. 
Some initial ideas for the products within the pack could be:

  • Timeline - a long timeline which went from Pangaea/Big Bang through to either the death of dinosaurs/meteor hitting earth or up until human started to evolve. It would be designed so it could be put up around the classroom - possibly with space under each time section for children to pin up their own drawings of the dinosaurs.setting etc. 
  • Posters - of the different dinosaur groups (theropods etc.), dinosaur footprints (matching the print to the dino), the pre-historic alphabet (gives fun facts with every word) or dinosaur alphabet (with pronunciation help), good prints of singular dinosaurs for children's rooms (possibly older audience)
  • Map - world map with colour coded continents and dinosaurs to pin to where they came from
  • App for ipad/iphone - different scenes depicted, can scroll across them, slightly animated, can click on different dinosaurs for fun facts
  • Game in addition to app - top trump type game, given cards with each dinosaurs strengths/weaknesses, can play them against each other. Cards can also be printed to play
  • Book or series of Books - small, short books about one element of dinosaurs - e.g. just underwater reptiles, only theropods etc - can collect all of them
  • Activity Book - teaches about dinosaurs and pre-historic time period using puzzles, colouring in, linking facts to dinosaurs, also sections teaching about maths, science, english and art using dinosaur imagery
  • Life-size dinosaur footprints - can be put all around the classroom
  • Make-a-Dinosaur - different limbs of dinosaurs which can be pinned together to make the correct form or play around to make own dinosaur
  • Make a Scene - have all the different elements of the pre-historic setting; jungle, rocks, underwater, sky etc. which can be arranged by children to re-create own setting using dinosaurs. Can be printed onto card or digital and printed out
  • Settings - collection of setting elements for a dinosaur lab/fossil digging corner; leaf/foliage bunting, big leaves, skeleton bits 
These are a lot of elements for the pack, but I think once the the aesthetic is pinned down and imagery is vein made, it will be easy enough to apply it to all these products - although all probably are not necessary. I really like the idea of the animated app, top trump cards, make-a-scene, make-a-dinosaur and the timeline so I might just start working on those ideas first.

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