Thursday 17 March 2016


I had a really useful tutorial with Fred, I was feeling a bit worried because I haven't done enough briefs. I've felt like I have been doing a lot of work but I only have 4 briefs altogether. But we worked out a way of rearranging the work I have done and expanding on certain bits to make 5 significant briefs. The new briefs are:

BRIEF 1- Dinosaurs
BRIEF 2 - Secret 7; put designs into context - collect them into a long concertina book. Think about displaying them somewhere - possibly colours may vary.
BRIEF 3 - Clockwork Orange - resolve final designs, present them/mock up etc. Think about application of design onto book marks, window displays etc.
BRIEF 4 - Emil and the Detectives - turn this into more significant brief; think about E-Book, how imagery can be seen digitally - animated trailer for book, gifs, storyboard for longer animation?
BRIEF 5 - Food Editorial - make this brief more significant, 5-10 editorial illustrations, mock up on websites, magazines etc. collection of guardian/observer editorial illustrations

This is much more reassuring, doing this will just emphasise the work I have done, make the module more well-rounded. I really like the idea for Emil and the Detectives, I have approached publishing in a few ways so far - with products and applied illustration with Lord of the Flies, and narrative illustrations with Clockwork Orange, and this ail give me the chance to approach digital publishing and animated illustration. I have seen a lot of animated teaser book trailers recently so I am drawn to that idea - I think it will work well with the chase on the front cover. 

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