Thursday 24 March 2016

colour variation

I decided to play around with colour for some of my patterns:

I tried making them different colours to what the food actually is, but I don't think it works - the appeal of the pattens is that it looks fresh and appetising but blue and pink food aren't natural. Although I think the pink peppers work more than the salad because there is less detail, so it is less obvious what is it meant to be.

The black background is interesting, it takes away from the natural, fresh feel but it does make it more lively and vibrant - a bit more exciting, although I can't imagine a black background working well on kitchen ware, I'd have to find a new use for it. 

I quite like these as they can be appreciated just for their pattern, rather than the content. I think the salad works better because the detail of the leaves and lemons comes out really nicely. I could imagine these working well on various products like pencil cases, insides of recipe books, notebooks etc. 

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