Wednesday 20 April 2016


I chose another recipe from the Guardian food section to illustrate - I thought it would make sense to make the brief consistent by only illustrating from the Guardian. I decided to go for something a bit more abstract this time and I think it has turned out pretty well.

I was initially making it relatively neat and more pattern-like but I think it works better with the unequal tentacles - it is more expressive and energetic. I wanted to make the octopus look appealing, as it is something many people are quite squeamish about. With all the peppers and parsley sause drops it looks quite flower-like which works well to make it appealing. 

I mocked it up on the Guardian site; with recipes the photo of the food is pretty necessary as people need to see how it turns out. So I thought the illustration could work well as a lively decoration down the side. 

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