Friday 24 January 2014

progress crit

- Looked through each others work, and gave back evaluative feedback

my feedback:
- good experimentation
- skilful application of watercolour
- simple concept
- clear direction of where I want my book to go
- good choice of square frames for compositions
- been playful with materials

suggestions of what to do next:
- work more with the tracing paper
- be clearer about why I chose the theme of fish scales in the first place
- maybe try and work bigger, so to really explore the detail
- have a clearer plan of what will be on each page

I agree with a lot of this feedback, although I quite like the size of 20x20cm for the book, making the drawings quite concise, and so concentrating all the detail which I think will make it more effective. 
I do feel that my concept isn't particularly strong, or clear perhaps. As I know I am doing these drawings to explore and communicate the beauty of these fish skins that are usually overlooked and dismissed as ugly. 
But the simplicity in my aims enable me to really explore the subject matter, and get the technique just right. 
I could have considered more about the function of the book, and who it is aimed at. Although I don't feel it it particularly aimed at a specific audience. 
I haven't carried out much secondary research, as it is all completely based on the photographs I took from my visits to fish mongers, so research into fish wouldn't have much effect on the outcome of my book. However, I think research into other practitioners who work with watercolour, or do studies of animals would help progress my own practise. 

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