Monday 6 January 2014

material experimentation

I started drawing out some of the fish from Billingsgate Market, but also experimenting with different materials to see what best communicates the texture of their scales. 

Watercolour study of fish head, I think these worked really well, only using minimal detail makes it appear rather delicate. I think the intense colour of the dark blue contrasted with the light pink is very effective and takes away slightly from the fact that it is a fish's head, it becomes something much more alluring. 

I find the lines on mackerel so fascinating, they look like the lines on that of a tiger or some other exotic predator, when in fact it is a very ordinary fish that people eat everyday. So I did a little exploration into that pattern by using layering of tracing paper, but I think this will look better if I scan both into photoshop and layer them there. 

Rough sketch looking at shape of fish and placement of scales, but if colour was added, could look like a much more finished piece.

What I find really intriguing about fishes scales are the little areas on their skin that shine like gold/silver/metal, making them look rather magical. I wanted to explore that so I used a bit of gold and silver leaf on my watercolour paintings. It was the first time I used it and these are only rough sketches but I think it could be quite promising in helping me achieve my aim of communicating the beauty of fish scales. 

Though I find the leaf quite hard to work with, it is very fiddly, and also is water resistant so painting over with more watercolour didn't work very well, making the process quite time consuming which is something I will have to think about when managing my time. 

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