Monday 6 January 2014

billingsgate market

I have been visiting quite a few fish mongers, but I felt they are all rather similar. So to improve this I visited Billingsgate Market in Canary Warf while I was back in London

which is a massive fish market that is served by almost every port in the UK, it sells to restaurants in big quantities. So the range of fish was much more vast, there were so many more species and sizes, it was very helpful.  Because of the main customers, and the need for free fish, it is only open from 4 - 9:30 in the morning, so I got there about half 5 for there still to be a good selection of fish. 

I found that now when I go around photographing the fish, looking for interesting patterns, I am seeing them for their beauty rather than dead fish which I really want to try and communicate in my illustrations. 

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