Monday 25 April 2016


We had a group tutorial which was useful, it got me to really focus in on what I actually need to do for this brief. I haven't done much at all for the big brief for a long time, most of easter and the first few weeks back were spent on PPP and finishing off my other 603 briefs but they're basically done now so I can properly focus on dinosaurs. I was getting a bit worried about this brief as there is a lot I want to do and not actually that much time but Fred told me to work out what I need to do and what would just be nice added extras. 

So I have worked out that the necessities are:
- the timeline
- the activity book
- small info books on dinosaur groups

What I want to try and do as well:
- interactive map
- simple animation 
- posters

This has made me feel a bit better, knowing that I can just mock up the things I don't manage to do. Although after doing the Emil and the Detectives animation I was quite looking forward to animating the dinos so I will try and fit it in. 

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