Saturday 23 April 2016


emil and the detectives wip from Astrid Weguelin on Vimeo.

I have started working on my animated book trailer for Emil and the Detectives. I was putting it off for ages because it's been such a long time since I last did any so I thought I would have forgotten everything. But I got into it pretty quickly! I wanted the sequence to be quite simple and focus on the chase and I thought showing that through trains would be a good setting as that is the main setting for the beginning of the book. It does look very simplistic but I quite like the naive aesthetic, I feel it fits well for the young audience. 
This is still work in progress; I want to add all the other kids chasing the man, add sounds and make the smoke move more. I had some trouble with rendering the video, the file was just way bigger than it should be so I couldn't upload it anywhere, but after some help form the technicians I managed to get it down which is a relief. 

It has been quite confusing to make as I have so many elements, it is difficult to keep track of them all. And when I change one thing I have to go back and change all the other bits - it can get quite frustrating.

Because I have inputed each boy and ech bit of money as a separate layer, I am having to make each bit move individually. Also getting the timings right so that the boys chase the man, but in a way that isn't too slow or too fast - so all the figures are on screen at the same time for a little bit while also giving the impassion that they are chasing them. It is a good thing I want it to look quite jagged and naive because I don't know how I would have made it to run really smoothly - animating people running is really hard. 

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