Thursday 21 April 2016

last lino

I finally got round to printing my last lino cut! This scene shows the main character Alex caught by the state and forced to watch the horrible videos. It is probably the most famous scene so I wanted to make it look a bit different - not make it too obvious, I think the eyes surrounding him make it darker. I am really pleased with this one turned out, it is very clean and the red bits match up pretty well to the black. I had some trouble with it at first because the red wouldn't match up at all:

In the end I had to cut into all the eye designs so that I could see through the gaps where I was placing it, and that seemed to work well. Also I made a mistake on all but one, with the small red eye on the right (which is where it should be), I managed to put it on the left with all the other prints. It is only a tiny mistake that no one else will notice but I feel it makes the composition a bit uneven. I'm also thinking about adding some red wires to the chair to make it more 'clockwork orange-like', so I might put the red in the right place then. 

I think they all fit well together - the first two are very lively with the characters jumping around doing criminal acts, but the last shows him slumped, defeated and repressed by the state. They all have quite a creep undertone, the limited use of red helps with this. I used Somerset paper for the last print and it turned out really nice, so I want to go back and use it for the first two prints, so they are consistent as I am considering selling them. 
This brief has been very substantial as lino cut is very time consuming, but I am really glad I did it as I now love lino print! 

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