Monday 25 April 2016

finished animation

Emil and the Detectives book trailer from Astrid Weguelin on Vimeo.

I got the animated book trailer finished! I added a train sound effect in the background which I think really helps. I also made the transition from each figure much smoother - also the added money makes it a bit more exciting. The quality isn't as good as it could be because it was such a big file I had to export it on another app. Also the colours are a bit washed out which is annoying. But I am pleased with it, and impressed with myself for getting it done in about two days! I have added both this and my Orwell animation from last year to my website; animation is something I want to carry on with so I think it is a good idea to have a dedicated section on the website to point attention to it. I want to try and make some simple animations/gifs with my Secret 7 designs, I think their graphic, simple compositions will work well with movement. 

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