Thursday 28 January 2016

natural phenomena

I've started thinking a bit more about my big brief and trying to work out what I actually want to illustrate. So I researched a bit into natural phenomena and which bits interest me

a fact or occurrence which is observed
something that is impressive or extraordinary

an observable event which is not man-made

Natural phenomenon doesn't just relate to the extraordinary, it can just be weather for example, but I think for this book it will be more appealing and exciting for children if it explains more of the impressive phenomena that happens around the world - that way it becomes less like a geography lesson. I've sorted the natural phenomena I am interested in illustrating into three categories - geological, meteorological and atmospherical optical.
I think it will be a challenge to illustrate all these natural occurrences but it will be interesting to be able to explore in more detail for some of the phenomena - like clouds. I've always been interested in the physical side of geography so it will be exciting to try and explain it through illustrations, and I think it is a subject which will be appealing to children. 

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